Intellectual Outputs



Guide of actions for an intense short training in didactical and methodological principles and techniques in adult education

This shall be a pre-requisite training for all multipliers . Ultimately, the "dramaturgy" of a workshop should become clear - from the didactical conception to the methodical implementation. Thus, after attending this training, Multipliers should clearly know what to consider of when planning a workshop, how to prepare material, how to prepare oneself, to know one self’s roles and how to handle them. The results will be available for all who train and work with multipliers that are transferring different topics to migrant communities.



A Compendium of training methods and tools from around the world

Even though there are already many training materials, many of them do not fit participants coming from very different cultures. Those available usually reflect a European-style of education. IO2 is a Compendium of methods that takes the educational socialization of migrants into account and combines European methods with those from the immigrants’ countries. It will provide innovative methods that the participating migrants are familiar with from their educational biographies.



A handbook for trainers and Multipliers to conduct training and workshops in political education

The last and most extended Intellectual Output focuses on the political education of multipliers in a first step and the migrants’ communities as the final targeted group. Therefore, multipliers will go through a process of confrontation with values new for most of them. They will know the terms like democracy, participation, or diversity; but living in a democratic society with free speech, or being free in whom I love is something different. Consequently, this must lead to an inception of political education, which means being introduced to the principles of democratic living. Goals and Tasks of political education and the overall aim behind shall first become clear to the MULTIPLIERS and subsequently, the multipliers will bring the subject closer to the migrants’ communities’ members.


Multipliers from the participating countries involved in the project will: 


1.       have attended the Training of IO1,

2.       have contributed and worked on IO2, and

3.       finally accomplish Workshops in IO3



They are involved in all steps of the project and will contribute with their knowledge and verve.

The results will be available on this website.


Overview of activities